S1E21 - The Executioner: Pyramid Head and his Great Knife

More like JUST OKAY Knife

What a phenomenally popular character in horror game canon. It's difficult to think of a horror character from the PS2 era that has more cultural cache than our boy Triangle Man. Now he can shoot barbed wire, which is pretty rad.

Find out more at https://read-by-daylight.pinecast.co

S1E22 - The Blight: A True Pinball Wizard

But he certainly isn't playing clean.

Oh boy. Blight. The man that launched a thousand gnarly cosmetics. If only his own looks were as cool (spoiler). Join us in discussing Talbot Grimes!

Find out more at https://read-by-daylight.pinecast.co

S1E23 - The Twins: French Frights in the Night

Twins, Basil, twins.

Charlotte and Victor. Two people with such an unfortunate backstory Gavin only got in like four French jokes.

Find out more at https://read-by-daylight.pinecast.co

The Director: It's Curtains for You [April Fools]

It's time for your close-up...

We finally did it. Cole and Gavin finally fessed up to the existence of The Director, the killer they've kept Caro in the dark about this entire time. Join along as they detail his lore and gameplay! [This is an April Fools episode]

Find out more at https://read-by-daylight.pinecast.co

S1E25 - The Trickster: Killer on the Mic

A cut above the rest

Nobody tell his fans on Twitter, but we're talking about The Trickster this week! Who wouldn't love this guy with cheese grater abs?

Find out more at https://read-by-daylight.pinecast.co

S1E26 - The Nemesis: Infectious Fright

He do be fistin'

We finally got here: the killer who literally just punches people like a cartoon villain from the 30s. It's Nemesis, the tall boy himself. Let's get into it.

Special thanks to Cole for editing this episode, as Gavin was officiating a wedding.

Find out more at https://read-by-daylight.pinecast.co

S1E27 - The Cenobite: Pinhead's Chains of Pain

He Came

Time to talk about the man who be comin' all over the ding darn map.

Find out more at https://read-by-daylight.pinecast.co

S1E28 - The Artist: Friend of the Crows (feat. Klaudia Amenábar)


In our first ever (chronologically-recorded) episode with a guest, Klaudia Amenábar joins the crew to talk about The Artist. Unfortunately for Behavior, the podcast might have had more expertise about Chile and the geographical + political implications of The Artist's backstory than Behavior did.

Find Klaudia everywhere @KaludiaSays

Find out more at https://read-by-daylight.pinecast.co

S1E29 - The Onryō: The Brine Calls

Brian Cox ain't making it out of this one.

After a wholly unplanned month off, Read by Daylight is back for its final run towards catching up on Dead by Daylight killers! We've just got a handful left, and you better brace yourself for a DESERT of killers who don't have maps associated because, pal, it's comin'.

Today we talk about the Ringu DLC. Because of course they eventually got the rights to that.

Find out more at https://read-by-daylight.pinecast.co

S1E30 - The Dredge: All Eyes on You

The sentient fart cloud approaches

We did it. We finally got to talk about Gavin's boy, Dredge.

Find out more at https://read-by-daylight.pinecast.co